Brand Sponsorship Program

NextName offers brands unique collaborations with college athletes, employing three targeted campaign strategies: Brand Awareness, Consideration, and Conversions. Our tailored solutions address varied business needs, ensuring strategic goals are achieved. Partnering with athletes consistently delivers an impressive return, often surpassing 7X the effectiveness of traditional methods. From design to deployment, NextName streamlines the promotional process, providing end-to-end services for a seamless experience.


Boost brand recognition and familiarity

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Convert current audience to customers

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Drive audience to take action

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Brand Awareness


  • Boost brand recognition and familiarity 
  • Improve trust, gain a competitive edge, build loyalty 

Brand Essentials:

  • Ideal for businesses trying to build brand name and presence 
  • Foster brand growth through impactful collaborations 
  • Target individuals unfamiliar with the brand 

Athlete Campaign Examples:

  • Brand-Aligned Story Campaigns, Social Media Endorsements & Challenges, Traditional Ad Campaigns, Branded Merchandise, Public Appearances, and Brand Ambassadorship



  • Convert current audience to customers 
  • Advertise existing products or services to current customers 

Brand Essentials:

  • Ideal for companies deepening market awareness 
  • Improve brand understanding using athlete collaborations 
  • Target individuals in the decision-making phase 

Athlete Campaign Examples:

  • Testimonials and Reviews, Educational and Interactive Content, Behind-the-Scenes Athlete Integration, and Limited-Time Offer Promotions



  • Focus on encouraging specific actions contributing to business goals 
  • Drive sales, lead generation, achieve conversion-related goals 

Brand Essentials:

  • Ideal for consumer product companies 
  • Convert potential customers into actual customers 
  • Target individuals deciding on a purchase 

Athlete Campaign Examples:

  • Affiliate Marketing, Limited-Time Offers, Contests, Giveaways, Interactive Campaigns with Special Promotions, Promo Codes, and Fan Loyalty Programs

Are you a brand interested in Working with NextName Athletes?

Please sign-up using our Brand Sign-up Form or reach out via email by clicking the “Contact Us” button and we will be in touch with next steps!